kallie makes bouquets of flowers so that the ratios are 4 carnations to 2 sunflowers to 3 lilies. kallie makes a bouquet of 72 flowers using only these flowers. How many of each type of flower does she use?

Step One
Find the total of the ratios.

There are 72 flowers all together.
The total of the ratios is 2 + 3 + 4 = 9

Step Two 
Find the number of carnations.
The number of carnations to the total is 4/9

Carnations = (4/9) * 72 = 288/9 = 32 

There are 32 carnations in the bouquet.

Step Three
Find the number of sunflowers.
Sunflower ratio =2/9

Sunflowers = (2/9) = 16 See if you can get that.

Step Four
Find the number of Lilies.

Lily ratio = 3/9 = 1/3

Number of Lilies = 1/3 * 72 = 24

24 + 16 +32 =? 72
The total checks.

general 6 months ago 4975