The sum of two numbers is 92, if one number is three times the other number plus 4. Find the value of the 2 numbers.

Answer: Two numbers are 70 and 22. Step by step explanation: Let's call the two numbers "x" and "y." According to the information given, we have two pieces of information: 1. The sum of the two numbers is 92: x + y = 92 2. One number is three times the other number plus 4: x = 3y + 4 Now, we can solve this system of linear equations. We can substitute the second equation into the first equation: (3y + 4) + y = 92 Now, combine like terms: 4y + 4 = 92 Subtract 4 from both sides: 4y = 92 - 4 4y = 88 Now, divide by 4 to find the value of y: y = 88 / 4 y = 22 Now that we have found the value of y, we can use it to find the value of x using the second equation: x = 3y + 4 x = 3(22) + 4 x = 66 + 4 x = 70 So, the two numbers are x = 70 and y = 22, and they add up to 92, as required.
general 6 months ago 2038