Malaya creates a password as follows:letter, number, letter, special character, numberAssuming that there are 12 special characters, if you were trying to guess Malaya’s password, what is the most guesses that you would have to make?

Answer:The most guesses that you would have to make= 811200.Step-by-step explanation:Malaya creates a password as follows:letter, number, letter, special character, numberAssuming that there are 12 special characters,also we know that there are 26 letters and 10 numbers from (0-9).So the most number of guesses we can make will be equal to possible number of ways of making a password.As it is not mentioned that repetition is allowed or not so we will do in general.At the first place we have 26 choices as there are 26 letters.also at the second place we have 10 choices.At the third again we have 26 choices.At the fourth place we have 12 the final place we have 10 choices.Hence, the total possible number of ways of making guesses= 26×10×26×12×10=811200
general 6 months ago 6586