Male | FemaleEnglish 4 | 5 History 7 | 3 Math 10 | 6Science 8 | 10 Henrietta interviewed her classmates on their favorite subjects. She recorded their gender and favorite subject. What percentage of English lovers are male? A) 13.7% B) 21% C) 44.4% D) 55.5%

Answer:The correct option is C.Step-by-step explanation:The given data isSubject            Male | FemaleEnglish                   4 | 5  History                    7 | 3  Math                      10 | 6Science                  8 | 10  Total number of English lover is[tex]4+5=9[/tex]Total number of male English lovers = 4.Percentage of English lovers are male is[tex]P=\frac{\text{Male English lovers}}{\text{Total English lovers}}\times 100[/tex][tex]P=\frac{4}{9}\times 100[/tex] [tex]P=44.444[/tex][tex]P\approx 44.4\%[/tex]Percentage of English lovers are male is 44.4%.Therefore the correct option is C.
general 6 months ago 2506