Marti rolls two dice what is the probability that the sum of the dice is 7 given that the first die is 2

Answer:The probability such that the sum of the dice is 7 given that the first die is 2 is:1/36Step-by-step explanation:The sample space that is obtained by rolling two die is given as:(1,1)   (2,1)   (3,1)   (4,1)   (5,1)   (6,1)(1,2)   (2,2)   (3,2)   (4,2)   (5,2)   (6,2)(1,3)   (2,3)   (3,3)   (4,3)   (5,3)   (6,3)(1,4)   (2,4)   (3,4)   (4,4)   (5,4)   (6,4)(1,5)   (2,5)   (3,5)   (4,5)   (5,5)   (6,5)(1,6)   (2,6)   (3,6)   (4,6)   (5,6)   (6,6)The outcomes such that the the sum of the dice is 7 given that the first die is 2 is:(2,5)Total outcomes=36.Number of favorable outcomes=1.Hence, the probability is defined as:Probability= Number of Favorable outcomes/Total number of outcomesHence, Probability=1/36
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