Ms. Corley wants to take her class on a trip to either the nature center or the zoo the nature center charges $4 per student plus $95 for a one hour naturalist program. The zoo charges $9 per student plus $75 for a 1 hour tour guideA. Solve the system of equations to represent this situation B. Solve the system of equations algebraically. Interpret the solution.C. Ms. Corley has 22 students in her class. Determine which would cost less, the nature center or the zooPLZZZ HELP!!

x- class members
y-total cost of a trip
The nature center: y=4$*x+95$
The zoo: y=9$*x+75$
x=4, y=111
If Ms. Corley has 22 students in her class, cost for nature center would be 4$*22+95$=183$ and for the zoo 9$*22+75$=273$.
The zoo would cost less.
general 6 months ago 4677