PLEASE HELLLLLLP!!!!!!!1) factor the expression into an equivalent formc^2-64a) (c-4)(c-16)b) (c-8)(c+8)c) (c-4)(c+4)d) (c+16)(c-4)2) factor the expression into an equivalent form12y^2-75a) 12(y-25)(y-3)b) 12(y-25)(y+3)c) 3(2y-5)(2y+5)d) 4(y-25)(y+3)3) factor the expression9y^2-36a) 9(y-3)(y+3)b) 9(y+2)(y+2)c) 9(y-3)(y-3)d) 9(y-2)(y+2)4)factor the expression-x^2+5x-4a) -(x-5)(x+1)b) -(x+5)(x-1)c) -(x-1)(x-4)d) =(x-1)(x+4)5) factor the expression into an equivalent formab^2-ba) ab+bb) a(ab-b)c) b(ab-b)c) b(ab-1)

1. B. (c-8)(c+8)
2. C. 3(2y-5)(2y+5)
3. D. 9(y-2)(y+2)
4. C. -(x-1)(x-4)
5. D. b(ab-1)

i hope this helps u out!
general 6 months ago 7591