Please help and solve for each will give brainliest

The measurement of an arc in degrees is the same as the central angle. We must assume that the central angle is the measurement given. 
[tex]\overset{\LARGE{\frown}}{AB}[/tex] = 49

To find the next one you need to find the measurement from B to C, the arc that is over 180 degrees. Maybe you could put another letter between B and C so that we could refer to that top arc greater than 180 degrees. Call the point you inserted  D. 

[tex]\overset{\LARGE{\frown}}{BDC}[/tex] = 360 - 49 - 107 = 204
[tex]\overset{\LARGE{\frown}}{ABC}[/tex] = [tex]\overset{\LARGE{\frown}}{BDC}[/tex] + [tex]\overset{\LARGE{\frown}}{AB}[/tex] 

Arc(ABC) = 204 + 49 = 253

Arc(BAC) = Arc(BC) + Arc(AB)
Arc(BAC) = 107 + 49
Arc(BAC) = 156

Arc(ACB) = 107 + 204 = 311   


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