PLEASE HELP! C=2*Ο€*RUse the formula you derived to solve for the circumference of the High Roller, the tallest Ferris wheel in the United States, if the Ferris wheel has a radius of 260 feet. Show all work in the space below.

R in the formula stands for "radius." Your problem statement tells you the radius is 260 ft, so put that number in the formula and do the arithmetic. Most scientific calculators have a key for "Ο€". If yours doesn't, you can use the ratio 355/113 as a good approximation.

C = 2*Ο€*(260 ft)
C = 520Ο€ ft . . . . . . multiply numerical values to express result using Ο€
C β‰ˆ 1633 ft . . . . . .. compute numerical value of circumference
general 6 months ago 9759