Please help with this question

Hi Student!Looking at this problem, it's fairly simple and just asks us to determine whether x = 1 is a solution to the expression that was provided.  The first step that we must take to solving this is to plug in the value 1 for each of the places that we have x.  Then we simplify and look at the final expression and if it evaluates to true than x = 1 is a solution to the expression.Plug in the values[tex]x^3 + 3 \ge 8 - 4[/tex][tex](1)^3 + 3 \ge 8 - 4[/tex]Simplify both sides[tex]1 + 3 \ge 8 - 4[/tex][tex]4 \ge 4[/tex]Looking at the final expression that is shown, we can see that it states that 4 is greater than or equal to 4 which evaluates to true since 4 is equal to 4.  Therefore, x = 1 would be considered a solution of the expression that was provided in this problem.
general 6 months ago 8031