Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease help me!

Answer:  The number that should be put in the "green box" is:  " 1 " .
Note:  (2/1 = "2" ).

We are looking for a "trend" ;  not an "exact amount.

We look at the "4/3 x" ;  

when  " x = 3 " ,  "(4/3) * x " = "(4/3) * 3" = "4" ; (the "fraction" cancels out.

So, we have:  "y = 4 + (what value?) ;  

Look at the graph when "x = 4" ;  The corresponding "y-value" is about "6" ; 

So we have "y = 4 + (what value?)" ; 

Try:  y = 6;    →  "6 = 4 + (what value?) ; 

The "(what value?) would be "2" ; 

And that particular value given is:  " 2/ [?]" ; 

So;  "2/(?) = 2 " ;   ↔  2* (?) = 2 ;  →  The [?] = " 1 " .  

general 6 months ago 6922