Q5 Q31.) Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of the missing side of the right triangle. Then find the value of each of the six trigonometric functions of theta.

Answer:See answers in bold belowStep-by-step explanation:Using pythagoras theorem to find the unknown side a;c² = a²+b²a² = c²-b²a² = 20²-16²a² = 400 -256a² = 144a = √144a = 12for the six trigonometry functions;According to SOH CAH TOAsin theta = opposite/hypotenuseOpposite = 12Hypotenuse = 20sin theta = 12/20sin theta = 3/5cos theta = adj/hypcos theta = 16/20cos theta = 4/5tan theta = opp/adjtan theta = 12/16tan theta = 3/4cosec theta = 1/sinthetacosec theta = 1/(3/5)cosec theta = 5/3sec theta = 1/cos thetasec theta = 1/(4/5)sec theta = 5/4
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