Quiz: Sket Sarah is paid $20 an hour at her new job. She wishes to graph her total pay T, as a function of the number of hours, h. She wants to be sure her graph shows her pay for 10 and 20 hours of work. Select from the drop-down menus to correctly complete each statement. To best show this information, the scale for the T-axis of her graph should go from 0 to at least , and the h-axis of her graph should go from 0 to at least . Assessment navigation

1) Sket Sarah is paid $20 an hour at her new job. She wishes to graph her total pay T, as a function of the number of hours, h.

=> T = 20h

2) She wants to be sure her graph shows her pay for 10 and 20 hours of work.

Select from the drop-down menus to correctly complete each statement. To best show this information, the scale for the T-axis of her graph should go from 0 to at least:

Replace 20 hours in the function =>T = 20 * 20 = 400 => the T-axis of her graph should go from 0 to at least 400.

3), and the h-axis of her graph should go from 0 to at least .

h = 20 hours

=> The h-axis of her graph should go from 0 to at least 20.
general 6 months ago 7991