Ryan packed 2 crates, 5 boxes, and 4 stacks. Then he packed 1 crate, 15 boxes, and 4 stacks. Are the number of blocks in each order equal? Explain.

First Scenario: 2 crates 5 boxes 4 stacks Total blocks in the first scenario = 2 (crates) + 5 (boxes) + 4 (stacks) Second Scenario: 1 crate 15 boxes 4 stacks Total blocks in the second scenario = 1 (crate) + 15 (boxes) + 4 (stacks) Now, let's calculate the total number of blocks for each scenario. First Scenario: Total blocks = 2 + 5 + 4 = 11 blocks Second Scenario: Total blocks = 1 + 15 + 4 = 20 blocks Since 20 (the total blocks in the second scenario) is not equal to 11 (the total blocks in the first scenario), the number of blocks in each order is not equal. In this case, the number of blocks in the second scenario is greater than the number of blocks in the first scenario. Therefore, the two orders do not have the same number of blocks.
general 6 months ago 267