Select a sample of 15 individuals and collect data for any two variables whose relationship can be found. For example, you may ask the students in the college how many hours they study per week and their average marks in the last exam. What is your target population?

I'm sorry, but I'm not able to actively collect data or interact with individuals to conduct surveys or gather information. However, I can certainly help you understand the concept of target population and provide guidance on how to proceed with such a data collection process. In your example, the target population would be the group of individuals you are interested in studying or collecting data from. In this case, it seems like your target population would be college students. The specific group of college students you choose to collect data from would be your sample. The goal is to gather information about their study habits (hours of study per week) and their academic performance (average marks in the last exam). To proceed with data collection, you would typically follow these steps: 1. **Define your Research Question:** Clearly state what you want to study or understand. In your example, it would be the relationship between study hours and academic performance. 2. **Identify the Target Population:** Define the group of individuals that your study aims to describe or generalize to. This is the larger group that your sample will represent. 3. **Select a Sample:** Choose a subset of the target population to collect data from. This subset should ideally be representative of the larger target population to ensure the findings can be generalized. 4. **Collect Data:** Gather data on the variables of interest (study hours and exam scores) from the selected sample. 5. **Analyze Data:** Use appropriate statistical methods to analyze the collected data and determine if there is a relationship between the variables. 6. **Interpret Results:** Based on the analysis, draw conclusions about the relationship between the variables in the context of your research question. 7. **Report Findings:** Present your findings in a clear and organized manner, often in the form of a report or presentation. It's important to note that when selecting a sample, you should aim for random or stratified sampling methods to minimize bias and ensure that your findings are more likely to generalize to the entire target population.
general 7 months ago 1264