Since at t=0, n(t)=n0, and at t=∞, n(t)=0, there must be some time between zero and infinity at which exactly half of the original number of nuclei remain. find an expression for this time, thalf.

Answer: t-half = ln(2) / λ ≈ 0.693 / λ


The question is incomplete, so I did some research and found the complete question in internet.

The complete question is:

Suppose a radioactive sample initially contains N0unstable nuclei. These nuclei will decay into stable nuclei, and as they do, the number of unstable nuclei that remain, N(t), will decrease with time. Although there is no way for us to predict exactly when any one nucleus will decay, we can write down an expression for the total number of unstable nuclei that remain after a time t: N(t)=No e−λt, where λ is known as the decay constant. Note that at t=0, N(t)=No, the original number of unstable nuclei. N(t) decreases exponentially with time, and as t approaches infinity, the number of unstable nuclei that remain approaches zero. Part (A) Since at t=0, N(t)=No, and at t=∞, N(t)=0, there must be some time between zero and infinity at which exactly half of the original number of nuclei remain. Find an expression for this time, t half. Express your answer in terms of N0 and/or λ.Answer:

1) Equation given:

[tex]N(t)=N _{0} e^{- \alpha t}[/tex] ← I used α instead of λ just for editing facility..

Where No is the initial number of nuclei.

2) Half of the initial number of nuclei: N (t-half) =  No / 2

So, replace in the given equation:

[tex] N_{t-half} = N_{0} /2 = N_{0} e^{- \alpha t} [/tex]

3) Solving for α (remember α is λ)

[tex] \frac{1}{2} = e^{- \alpha t} 2 = e^{ \alpha t} \alpha t = ln(2)[/tex]

αt ≈ 0.693

⇒ t = ln (2) / α ≈ 0.693 / α ← final answer when you change α for λ

general 6 months ago 7634