Solve log base 8^12 = x – 2 . Round your answer to four decimal places. Pls help

Answer:  The required solution rounded to four decimal places is x = 3.1950.Step-by-step explanation:  We are give to solve the following logarithmic equation and round the answer to four decimal places :[tex]\log_812=x-2.[/tex]We will be using the following property of logarithm :[tex]\log_ba=\dfrac{\log a}{\log b}.[/tex]We have[tex]\log_812=x-2\\\\\\\Rightarrow \dfrac{\log 12}{\log 8}=x-2\\\\\\\Rightarrow x=\dfrac{\log12}{\log 8}+2\\\\\\\Rightarrow x=\dfrac{1.0792}{0.9031}+2\\\\\Rightarrow x=1.19499+2\\\\\Rightarrow x=3.1950.[/tex]Thus, the required solution rounded to four decimal places is x = 3.1950.
general 6 months ago 7534