Solving a word problem using a two-step medequallyEspahoJim wants to rent a boat and spend at most $34. The boat costs $6 per hour, and Jim has a discount coupon for $8 off. What are the possible numbers of hoursJim could rent the boat?User for the number of hours.Write your answer as an inequality solved for t

Inequality is 6t  ≤ 44 and Jim can rent a boat for 7.33 hrs or less Solution:Given that  Maximum amount Jim can spend to rent a boat = $34 Rental cost of boat for 1 hour = $6 Also Jim has a discount coupon for $8 off. Need to determine possible number of hours Jim could rent a boat. Let’s assume possible number of hours Jim could rent a boat be represented by variable "t" Cost of renting boat for 1 hour = 6 So Cost of renting a boat for t hours = t x renting boat for 1 hour = t x 6 = 6tAlso Maximum amount Jim can spend to rent a boat = $34 As Jim has a discount coupon for $8 off, so Total amount Jim can spend to rent a boat = $ 34 + $ 8 = $ 44 So cost of renting a boat for t hours must be less that of equal to Total amount Jim can spend to rent a boat => 6t  ≤ 44 On solving above equality for "t" we get , [tex]\begin{array}{l}{t \leq \frac{44}{6}} \\\\ {=>\mathrm{t} \leq 7.3333 \mathrm{hrs}}\end{array}[/tex]Hence inequality is  6t  ≤ 44 and Jim can rent a boat for 7.33 hrs or less.
general 5 months ago 1929