telephone company charges a fixed monthly rate plus a rate per megabyte of data used. The company charges $120 for 100 megabytes of data and $95 for 50 megabytes of data. An equation can be written to show the relationship between the total megabytes of data used (x) and the total monthly charges (y). Which of the following best describes the steps to draw the graph? Draw a graph that joins the points (100, 120) and (50, 95) and has a slope = 0.50 Draw a graph that joins the points (100, 120) and (50, 95) and has a slope = 2 Draw a graph that joins the points (120, 100) and (95, 50) and has a slope = 2 Draw a graph that joins the points (120, 100) and (95, 50) and has a slope = 0.50

Answer:The correct answer is A. Draw a graph that joins the points (100, 120) and (50, 95) and has a slope = 0.50Step-by-step explanation:1. Let's review the information given to us for solving the question:Total of megabytes of date used = xTotal monthly charges = yx₁ = 50 Megabytes, x₂ = 100 Megabytesy₁ = US$ 95, y₂ = US$ 1202. Let's find out the best description of the steps to draw the graph and the slope.Slope = (y₂ - y₁)/ (x ₂- x₁)Slope = 120 - 95/ 100 - 50Slope = 25/50 = 1/2 = 0.50Remember that the coordinates of the points in the line are written this way:(x, y) ⇒ (Total of megabytes of date used, Total monthly charges)The correct answer is A. Draw a graph that joins the points (100, 120) and (50, 95) and has a slope = 0.50
general 6 months ago 5962