the area of a rectangle is 54x^9y^8 square yards if the length of the rectangle is 6x^3y^4 yards what expression represents the width of the rectangle in yards

We are given rectangle [tex] Area=54x^9y^8 [/tex]so, we have [tex] A=54x^9y^8 [/tex][tex] length=6x^3y^4 [/tex]so, we have [tex] L=6x^3y^4 [/tex]Let's assume width of the rectangle in yards as Wwe know that [tex] A=L*W [/tex]now, we can plug values[tex] 54x^9y^8=(6x^3y^4)*W [/tex]now, we can solve for W[tex] W=\frac{54x^9y^8}{6x^3y^4} [/tex][tex] W=9x^6y^4 [/tex]so, width of rectangle is [tex] 9x^6y^4 [/tex]............Answer
general 6 months ago 4591