The area of a trapezoid is 69.6 in2 and its altitude is 8.7 in. Find the perimeter of the trapezoid if the sum of its legs is equal to the sum of its bases.

1. To solve this problem, you must apply the formula for calculate the area of the trapezoid, which is:
 A is the area of the trapezoid (A=69.6 in²).
 (B+b) is the sum of the bases of the trapezoid.
 h is the height of the trapezoid (h=8.7 in).
 2. When you clear the sum of the bases (B+b), you have:
 (B+b)=2(69.6 in²)/(8.7 in)
 (B+b)=16 in
 3. The problem says that the sum of its legs is equal to the sum of its bases, therefore, the perimeter is:
 Sum of the legs=Sum of the bases (B+b)=16 in
 Perimeter=16 in+16 in
 Perimeter=32 in
general 6 months ago 2150