The coordinates of the vertices of a rectangle are (−4, 3) , (−1, 5) , (3, −1) , and (0, −3) .What is the perimeter of the rectangle? Round each step to the nearest tenth.Enter your answer as a decimal in the box.

Perimeter of rectangle is 21.6 unitStep-by-step explanation:Refer the figure, we need to find perimeter of rectangle formed by these points.Let us use distance formulaLength of rectangle is given by distance from (−4, 3) to (0, −3) and width is given by distance from (−4, 3) to (−1, 5).[tex]Length=\sqrt{(-4-0)^2+(3-(-3))^2}=\sqrt{16+36}=7.21unit\\\\Width=\sqrt{(-4-(-1))^2+(3-5)^2}=\sqrt{9+4}=3.61unit[/tex]Perimeter = 2(Length + width) = 2 x ( 7.21+3.61) = 21.64 unitPerimeter = 21.6 unitPerimeter of rectangle is 21.6 unit
general 6 months ago 9699