The figure is formed by a right triangle, a parallelogram with a height of 10 inches, and a square. Amanda found that the area of the figure is 198 inches squared, and that the perimeter is 68 inches. Which statement is true

Both of her answers are incorrect.

Here is the correct work for both the perimeter and the area.

P = 15+9+16+12+12+12+16
P = 92 inches

For the area you will find the area of all 3 shapes separately and then add them together.

A = 1/2bh
     1/2 x 9 x 12
A = 54 square inches

A = bh
      16 x 10
A = 160 square inches

A = bh
    12 x 12 
A = 144 square inches

144 + 160 + 54 = 358 square inches
general 6 months ago 9113