The formula s= SA/6 squared gives the length of the side, s, of a cube with a surface area, SA. How much longer is the side of a cube with a surface area of 1,200 square inches than a cube with the surface area of 768 square inches?


The side lenght of the cube with  a surface area of 1,200 in² is 1.2 times the side length of a cube with the surface area of 768 in²


1) Given formula:

 s = √ (SA / 6)

2) s for a cube with SA 1,200 in²

s₁ = √ (1,200 in² / 6) = √(200 in²) = 10 (√2) in

3) s for a cube with SA 768 in²

s₂ = √ (768 in² / 6) = √ (128 in²) = 8 (√2) in

4) ratio

s₁ / s₂ = 10√2 / 8√2 = 10/8 = 5/4 = 1.20

So, the side of the cube with  a surface area of 1,200 in² is 1.2 times as long as the side of a cube with the surface area of 768 in²
general 6 months ago 8625