The graph below shows the numbers of cups of apple juice that are mixed with different numbers of cups of lemon-lime soda to make servings of apple soda: A graph is shown. The values on the x axis are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The values on the y axis are 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30. Points are shown on ordered pairs 0, 0 and 1, 6 and 2, 12 and 3, 18 and 4, 24. These points are connected by a line. The label on the x axis is Lemon -Lime Soda in cups. The title on the y axis is Apple Juice in cups. What is the ratio of the number of cups of apple juice to the number of cups of lemon-lime soda? 1:24 24:1 1:6 6:1

The ratio of the number of cups of apple juice to lemon-lime soda is 6:1.

If there is a point on the graph at (1, 6), where the x-coordinate the number of cups of lemon-lime soda and y-coordinate is the number of cups of apple juice, you can deduce the ratio (6 cups of apple juice for 1 cup of lemon-lime soda). 

As you imagine on the graph, this pattern continues, with 2 cups of lemon-lime soda for 12 cups of apple juice, that simplifies to 1 cup of lemon-lime soda for 6 cups of apple juice. Since the question asks for the ratio of apple juice to lemon-lime soda, you just reverse the values and get 6:1
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