the measurements of a photo and it's frame are shown in the diagram. Write a polynomial that represents the width of the photo.

Answer:The width of the photo is [tex]4w^2+6w+4[/tex].Step-by-step explanation:From the given figure it is notices that the total width of the frame is[tex]6w^2+8[/tex]The photo is covered by a frame border and the width of the border is[tex]w^2-3w+2[/tex]To find the width of the photo we have to subtract the width of upper frame border and lower frame border from the total width of frame.Width of the photo is[tex]\text{Width of the photo}=\text{Width of the frame}-2(\text{Width of the frame border})[/tex][tex]\text{Width of the photo}=6w^2+8-2(w^2-3w+2)[/tex][tex]\text{Width of the photo}=6w^2+8-2w^2+6w-4[/tex][tex]\text{Width of the photo}=4w^2+6w+4[/tex]Therefore the width of the photo is [tex]4w^2+6w+4[/tex].
general 6 months ago 6884