The probabilities of the top selling menu item in four town's restaurants being different types of vegetarian and non-vegetarian sandwiches are given in the table

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If what you are looking for is the question below:

The probabilities of the top-selling menu item in four towns' restaurants being different types of vegetarian and nonvegetarian sandwiches are given in the table. If the restaurant in town 4 has a nonvegetarian sandwich as its top-selling menu item, what is the probability that it is a ham sandwich?
Town Vegetable Sandwich Nonvegetarian Chicken Sandwich Nonvegetarian Ham Sandwich Nonvegetarian Bacon Sandwich Nonvegetarian Tuna Sandwich
Town 1 6.63% 5.42% 7.05% 6.19% 5.91%
Town 2 6.84% 7.11% 6.89% 5.69% 6.58%
Town 3 5.97% 6.63% 5.72% 5.86% 5.79%
Town 4 6.54% 5.86% 6.24% 6.24% 6.33%
Total 6.24% 5.77% 6.03% 5.92% 6.27%

Then the answer is as follows:

The probability that the restaurant in town 4 has a non-vegetarian sandwich as its top selling menu item is the sum of the probabilities of all the non-vegetarian sandwiches which is 5.86% + 6.24% + 6.24% + 6.33% = 24.67%

The probability that the restaurant in town 4 has ham sandwich as its top selling menu item is 6.24%

Therefore, the probability that the restaurant in town 4 has a non-vegetarian sandwich as its top-selling menu item which is a ham sandwich is given by 6.24 / 24.67 = 0.2529 = 25.29%
general 6 months ago 5277