The school principal determined that 1/4 of the original students schools desks would need to be replaced this year. 50 teachers would also received new, improved desks. A total of 295 student and teacher desks were purchased. How many original students desks were there before the purchase was made?

Answer:The  number of original students desk were there before the purchase is 980 .  Step-by-step explanation:Given as :The total number of students and teachers new desks to be purchased = 295The number of teacher's new desk to be purchased = 50So , The number of student's new desk to be purchased = 295 - 50 = 245The number of student's new desk to be replaced this year = [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] of the original students deskLet The number of original students desk were there before the purchase = xOr, According to question [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] of x = 245Or, x = 245 × 4∴   x = 980Hence The  number of original students desk were there before the purchase is 980 .  Answer
general 6 months ago 2238