The table below shows the movie preferences of high school and college students: Movie Preference Action Drama Comedy Row totals HS 40 23 12 75 College 20 51 28 99 Column 60 74 40 174 Julie mistakenly calculated the conditional relative frequency for college students who like comedy as being 70%. What did Julie actually calculate, and what is the correct answer? A. She calculated the joint relative frequency for college/comedy. The correct value of conditional relative frequency for college students who like comedy is 28%.B. She calculated the conditional relative frequency for comedy films that are liked by college students. The correct value of conditional relative frequency for college students who like comedy is16%. C. She calculated the conditional relative frequency for comedy films that are liked by college students. The correct answer is 28%. D. She calculated the joint relative frequency for college/comedy. The correct answer is 16%.

C. She calculated the conditional relative frequency for comedy films that are liked by college students. The correct answer is 28%. hope this helps please mark me as brainliest

general 6 months ago 8137