The table shows the amount of money Yookyung charges customers to babysit. The table represents a linear function.Time (h) 0 2 5 7 8Charge ($) 5 19 40 54 61What does the initial value mean for this function?A. Yookyung charges $7.00 an hour to babysit.B. Yookyung earns $40 for 5 hours of work.C. Yookyung does not charge her customers until she has babysat for a minimum of 2 hours.D. Yookyung charges $5 before she begins babysitting.

For this case we have a function of the form: y = mx + b Where, m: slope of the line b: cutting point with the y axis. In the context of the problem we have: The slope of the line is the charge per hour that Yookyung charges for babysit. The cutoff point with the y-axis is an initial fee that Yookyung charges before starting work. The cut point with the y axis occurs when x = 0. Therefore, observing the table we have: b = 5 Answer: D. Yookyung charges $5 before she begins babysitting.
general 6 months ago 6038