the table shows the rainfall, in inches in the month of July for the years 2006 through 2011A. in what way could the graph be misleading?B. how could you redraw the graph so that it is less misleading?PLZ HELP

Answer with explanation:Part AThe given graph is a line graph, represents increasing and decreasing rainfall in six different years.The given graph misleads ,in terms of length, when amount of rainfall(4.6-3.9) is plotted with six different years(2006-2011).→→When rainfall decreases from 4.5 to 4.4, the decrease , in length of rectangle is less,should be equal, in comparison to when year increases from 2006 to 2007. It must be in the shape of Square.Part BIf instead of line graph, we will draw bar graph ,representing Amount of rainfall(4.5-3.0) on y axis in the month of July, to 6 different years from (2006-2011) on x axis,i think it will be least misleading.
general 6 months ago 2211