There are 63 students are in band. This represents 30% of the grade. How many students are there in the entire grade?

Answer:The total students in the grade is 210. Step-by-step explanation:Given : Students in band = 63 students Band students represent = 30% of the students in the class To find : The total studentsSolution : Let the total students in the grade be as y [tex]\bigstar \:\boxed{\sf{30\% \: of \: y = 63}}[/tex][tex]\sf{\implies} \: \dfrac{30}{100} \times y = 63 \\ \\ \sf{\implies} \: \frac{30y}{100} = 63 \\ \\ \sf{\implies} \: 30y = 63 \times 100 \\ \\ \sf{\implies} \: 30y = 6300 \\ \\ \sf{\implies} \: y = \dfrac{6300}{30} \\ \\ \sf{\implies} \: y = 210[/tex]Total Students = 210 [tex]\therefore[/tex] The total students in the grade is 210.
general 6 months ago 3504