Three basketball teams measured the height of each player on their team. The table shows the mean and the mean absolute deviation of the heights for each team.Which statements are correct?Select each correct answer.A)The heights of the Bulldogs’ players vary more than do the Warriors’ heights.B)The heights of the Panthers’ players and those of the Warriors vary about the same amount.C)The heights of the Bulldogs’ players and those of the Panthers vary about the same amount.D)The heights of the Warriors’ players vary more than do the Panthers’ height Team   Mean height (cm)  MAD (cm) Bulldogs   165                    6.9 Panthers  177                    7.1 Warriors   176                     4.8

The correct answer is choice C. The mean absolute deviation is a way to show the variability, or how spreadout the data is. When the mean absolute deviations are close to each other, that tells us that they're comparable in how they vary. 6.9 is close to 7.1.
general 6 months ago 3878