Two different suppliers the Grayson group and Westfield offer you trade discount on the same product. The Grayson group offers 25% 15% 10% whereas Westfield offers 30% 20% 10% note please make sure your final answers are in percentage form and are accurate to 2 decimal places Calculate single equivalent discount for Grayson group Equivalent single discount for west o If their list price is are which supplier will give best …Select one will give best price If Westfield has a list price that is 7% higher than the grason group which supplier will give the best price

The Grayson group offers trade discounts of 25%, 15%, and 10%, while Westfield offers trade discounts of 30%, 20%, and 10% on the same product. To calculate the single equivalent discount for each supplier, we need to find the equivalent discount rate that equates to all the discounts in the series. The single equivalent discount for the Grayson group is 41.86%. The single equivalent discount for Westfield is 41.86%. If their list prices are the same, both suppliers will give the same price. However, if Westfield has a list price that is 7% higher than the Grayson group, the Grayson group will give the best price.
general 6 months ago 1018