Two Fifths of the vegetables in Priya's garden are tomatoes.HOW many tomatoes are there I'd Priya's garden has.●20 Vegetables●X Vegetables 3b Priya's garden has 6 tomatoes. How many total vegetables are there

V-------------> total vegetables in Priya's garden
T------------> total tomatoes in Priya's garden

we know that

Part A) HOW many tomatoes are there I'd Priya's garden has.

1) 20 Vegetables?
T=(2/5)*20----------> 20*2/5---------> 8 tomatoes
the answer Part A1) is 8 tomatoes

2) x Vegetables?
T=(2/5)*x----------> x*2/5---------> (2/5)*x  ----------> 0.40*x tomatoes
the answer Part A2) is (0.40)*x  tomatoes

Part B) Priya's garden has 6 tomatoes. How many total vegetables are there?

T=(2/5)V-----------> V=5T/2--------> V=(5*6)/2--------> V=15 vegetables

the answer part B) is 15 vegetables

general 6 months ago 9379