(Two office buildings are 51 m apart. The height of the taller building is 207 m. The angle of depression from the top of the taller building to the top of the shorter building is 15 degrees. Find the height of the shorter building to the nearest meter. ) QUESTION In the previous problem how does the angle of depression from the top of the taller building relate to the angle of elevation from the top of the shorter building. (You can pick more than once choice) A:They are congruent B:They are complementary C:They are supplementary D:They are alternate interior angles E:They are alternate exterior angles F:They are corresponding angles.

see the attached figure to better understand the problem

we know that

in the triangle ABC
tan 15=AC/BC--------> AC=BC*tan 15
BC=51 m
AC=51*tan 15------> AC=13.67 m

the height of the shorter building=207-AC----> 207-13.67----> 193.33 m
the height of the shorter building=193 m

the answer Part a) is
the height of the shorter building is 193 m

Part b) how does the angle of depression from the top of the taller building relate to the angle of elevation from the top of the shorter building

we know that

the angle of depression is equals to the angle of elevation

the answers are
A:They are congruent
D:They are alternate interior angles
general 6 months ago 8502