what is 14 and 11/12 - 8 and 3/8 please help!

The correct answer is 6 13/24.

First we find a common denominator; since our denominators are 12 and 8, we will use 24.

For the first fraction, 12 will go into 24 2 times, so we multiply the numerator by 2:
11*2= 22, so we have 14 22/24.

For the second fraction, 8 will go into 24 3 times, so we multiply the numerator by 3:
3*3=9, so we have 8 9/24.

Subtracting these, we subtract the fractions first:
22/24-9/24 = 13/24.

Now subtract the whole numbers:
14-8 = 6.

This gives us 6 13/24.
general 6 months ago 5357