What is the probability that a point chosen at random in the given figure will be inside the larger square and outside the smaller square? Enter your answer, as a fraction in simplest form, in the box. P(inside larger square and outside smaller square) = $\text{Basic}$ $x$$y$$x^2$$\sqrt{ }$$\frac{x}{ }$ $x\frac{ }{ }$ $x^{ }$$x_{ }$$\degree$$\left(\right)$$\abs{ }$$\pi$$\infty$ A square with a side length of 7 centimeters is within a larger square with a side length of 10 centimeters. The sides of the inner square do not touch the sides of the outer square.

Answer:51/100Step-by-step explanation:The probability that a point chosen at random in the given figure will be inside the larger square and outside the smaller square is equal to the ratio of the area of interest to the total area:P(inside larger square and outside smaller square) = area of interest / total areaP(inside larger square and outside smaller square) = area inside the larger square and outside the smaller square / area of the larger squareCalculations:1. Area inside the larger square: side² = (10 cm)² = 100 cm²2. Area inside the smaller square = side² = (7cm)² = 49 cm²3. Area inside the larger square and outside the smaller square 100 cm² - 49 cm² = 51 cm²4. P (inside larger square and outside smaller squere)51 cm² / 100 cm² = 51/100
general 6 months ago 4120