When rolling a six-sided die, match the event with whether it is simple or compound. Question 3 options: Roll and odd number. Roll a number less than 2. Roll a number greater than 3. Roll a 5. Roll a number divisible by 2. 1. Simple 2. Compound

Rolling an odd number:  compound
Rolling a number less than 2:  simple
Rolling a number greater than 3:  compound
Rolling a 5:  simple
Rolling a number divisible by 2:  compound

A compound event is one that can happen in more than one way; a simple vent is one that can only happen one way. 

To roll an odd number, we can roll a 1, 3, or 5; this is compound.
To roll a number less than 2, we can roll a 1; this is simple
To roll a number greater than 3, we can roll a 4, 5, or 6; this is compound.
To roll a 5, we can only roll a 5; this is simple.
To roll a number divisible by 2, we can roll 2, 4 or 6; this is compound.
general 6 months ago 4127