Which event has a probability other than 1/2?A.flipping a coin with the result of tailsB.choosing a vowel from a bag of tiles that contains one of each letter of the alphabetC.rolling an even number on a number cube that is numbered from 1 to 6D.choosing a red card from a standard deck of cards (a standard deck has 52 cards 26 of which are red)

Answer:Option B.Step-by-step explanation:In the given events lets find out the event that has a probability other than 1/2.A. Flipping a coin gives result of head or tail, so the probability of the result of tails is 1/2.B. Choosing a vowel from a bag of tiles that contains one of each letter of the alphabet, so the probability of choosing vowel is 5/26.C. A cube that has numbered from 1 to 6, there are 3 even numbers and 3 odd numbers, so the probability of rolling even number is 3/6 or 1/2.D. There is 26 red cards in a standard deck of 52 cards, so the probability of choosing red card is 26/52 or 1/2.Therefore, events A, C and D gives result of 1/2 and B other than 1/2So Option B is the correct answer.
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