Which expression can be used to convert 80 US dollars (USD) to Australian dollars (AUD)? 1 USD = 1.0343 AUD 1 AUD = 0.9668 USDA) 80 USD x (0.9668 USD / 1 AUD)B) 80 USD x (1.0343 USD / 1 AUD)C) 80 USD x (0.9668 AUD / 1 USD)D) 80 USD x (1.0343 AUD / 1 USD)(A is incorrect)

The answer is D. The first thing to do is to check units. The unit for the answer should be AUD since we are converting USD to AUD, so only C and D work. 1 USD is equal to 1.0343 AUD, instead of the other way around (1USD=0.9668AUD), which means 80 USD should be multiplied by 1.0343 AUD/1USD, because AUD is cheaper and there should be more AUDthan USD after conversion.
general 6 months ago 9340