Which of these is a parent function? And can you tell me how you know?

Hey there!

A parent function is the most basic function in any group of functions. For example, f(x) = x^2 is the parent function for quadratic functions, and y = x is the parent function for linear functions. When there's nothing added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided to the function.

For A, we see that we're multiplying 2 times 3^x, and since this is not any alternation of any parent function or any parent function in particular, we can rule it out.

For B, we see that 3 is being added to x^2, so it cannot be a parent function.

For C, we see that 2 multiplied to e, therefore it cannot be the mot basic function.

Finally, for D, we see a function that looks similar to the quadratic parent function and is very simple itself. Any alterations to this is any other quadratic function

Your answer is D.

Hope this helps!

general 6 months ago 9887