You provide a dog-walking service, and you report to the owners on the amount of exercise their dogs get on the walks. You walked Fifi for 35 minutes and went 1.5 miles. What speed can you report to the owner? A. 78 78 mph B. 3560 3560 mph C. 5360 5360 mph D. 247 247 mph E. 278 278 mph

Answer:D. [tex]2\frac{4}{7}\text{ mph}[/tex]Step by step explanation: First of all we will convert our given time from minutes to hour by dividing 35 by 60.[tex]35 \text{ minutes}=\frac{35}{60} \text{ hours}[/tex]Let us find speed of dog during walk.   [tex]\text{Speed of dog}=1.5 \div \frac{35}{60}[/tex]Dividing a number by a fraction is same as multiplying the number by the reciprocal of the fraction.[tex]\text{Speed of dog}=1.5\times \frac{60}{35}[/tex][tex]\text{Speed of dog}=\frac{1.5\times 60}{35}[/tex]     [tex]\text{Speed of dog}=\frac{90}{35}[/tex]  [tex]\text{Speed of dog}=\frac{18}{7}[/tex]  [tex]\text{Speed of dog}=2\frac{4}{7}[/tex]  Therefore, speed of dog is [tex]2\frac{4}{7}\text{ mph}[/tex] and option D is the correct choice.
general 6 months ago 4649