13.What do you call the different arrangements of the objects of a group? a. selection C. permutation b. differentiation D. combination 14. Which situation illustrates permutation? a. forming a committee of councillors b. assigning rooms to conference participants c. choosing 2 literature books to buy from a variety of choices d selertina 10 nuestions to answer out of 15 auestions in a tesi 15. Which of the following situations or activities does NOT involve permutation? a. arrangement of books on a shelf b. formation of words with the given digits c. assigning telephone numbers to subscribers d. formation of a team from a number of players 16. Which of the following situations illustrates combination? a. arranging books in a shelf b. forming plate numbers of vehicles c. drawing names from a box containing 200 names d. Entering the PIN Personal Identification Number of your ATM card 17. There are 6 questions on Marta's essay test. She only needs to answer 2 of them, she can choose any 2 questions that she wants. In the given permutation? statement, what is the clue that illustrates either combination or A. choose C. only needs B. question D. There are 18.There are seven boys and three girls in a school badminton team. The coach must select four persons from his group to participate in the national championship. Which of the following choices represent as clue in the underlined word? differentiation C. combination permutation D. distinguishable permutation 19. Suppose we have 4 objects A. B. C and D and we are required to choose 3 from them and then arrange them on a shelf. In the given statement, which of the following describe permutation from combination? a. selecting objects and choosing the objects b. selecting objects and arranging the objects c. selecting objects and grouping the objects d. arranging the objects and sequencing the objects 20.Which of the following situation/s describe on differentiating permutation fromcombination? a. ranking people and sequencing of draws handshaking with other and numbering in no particular order c. picking multiple objects in one draw and handshaking with other d. picking multiple objects in one draw and locking with a definitesequence

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