Use operations of decimal, fraction, and percent numbers to model the following scenarios. In your final answer, include only an equation or proportion modeling the scenario. Do not solve the problems. A family dines in a popular franchise restaurant. At the end of the meal, they decide to leave their server a monetary tip that is equal to 20% of the total bill amount, $60.50. How much will the family leave their server as a tip? A family dines in a popular franchise restaurant. They plan to use a coupon that will give them a discount of 15% off of their total dinner bill, not including applicable sales tax or their server’s tip. If the family’s dinner bill totaled $34.00 before tax and tip, how much money will they save by using the coupon? A family dines in a popular franchise restaurant. They plan to use a coupon that will give them a discount of 10% off of their total dinner bill, not including applicable sales tax or their server’s tip. The bill totals $157.30 before tax and tip. What is the new total after the server applies the 10% off coupon? A family of eight dines in a popular franchise restaurant. The restaurant has a policy of automatically including a standard tip to the final bill for parties larger than six people. The bill for the meal included a total of $58.25 in food and beverage sales, plus a standard tip of $10.49. What percent of the food and beverage sales does the restaurant consider to be a standard tip for parties larger than six? A family dines in a popular franchise restaurant that has a policy of automatically including a 20% tip on all food and beverage sales before coupon discounts are applied. What is the family’s total bill amount if their food and beverages totaled $94.20 and they used a 15% off coupon? (HINT: Create more than one model.)

general 9 months ago 8131