Rosa drew a flow chart of the carbon cycle. The carbon cycle with 4 boxes connected by arrows. Box 1: carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Box 2: X. Box 3: consumers eat producers. Box 4: Y. The arrow that follows box 4 connects to box 1. Which labels best complete the flow chart? a X: Producers undergo photosynthesis. Y: Decomposers return carbon to the soil and release waste. b X: Decomposers return carbon to the soil and release waste. Y: Producers undergo photosynthesis. c X: Decomposers take in carbon dioxide. Y: Producers absorb carbon through their roots. dX: Producers absorb carbon through their roots. Y: Decomposers take in carbon dioxide.

Answer:The correct Answer is A.Explanation:The Flow chart of the Carbon Cycle, will look as follows:1. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.2. Producers undergo photosynthesis (in this process plants among other producers like algae, use CO2 to produce energy).3. Consumers eat producers (a primary level of consumer like a rabbit eats the producers or plants).4. Decomposers return Carbon to the soil and release waste. And the  cycle continues again, by going back to step 1.
algebra 6 months ago 3905