Mon poured 100 kilograms of water into 10 kg of salt. He made ___ kilograms of ___% salt solution.

Mon had 100 kg of water, dumped it into 10kg of pure salt, namely 100% salt, what happened?Β  well, it ended up with 100kg + 10kg, or 110kg of saline solution, off which 10kg are just salt.

so, if we take the 110kg to be the 100%, what is 10kg in percentage off of it?Β  namely the salty part.

[tex]\bf \begin{array}{ccll} amount&\%\\ \text{\textemdash\textemdash\textemdash}&\text{\textemdash\textemdash\textemdash}\\ 110&100\\ 10&x \end{array}\implies \cfrac{110}{10}=\cfrac{100}{x}\implies x=\cfrac{10\cdot 100}{110}[/tex]
general 6 months ago 1786