The table shows a schedule of Jorge’s payment plan for a car. Jorge’s Payment Plan Year Balance Monthly Payment End of Year Balance 1 $15,469.80 $257.83 2 $257.83 3 $257.83 4 $257.83 5 $257.83 6 $257.83 How many years will it take Jorge to pay off the loan? 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years the correct answer is 5 years.257.83x12 is 3,093.973,093.97x5= 1549.80

The number of the years is 5 which is taken by Jorge to pay off the loan. Then the correct option is C.What is division?Division means the separation of something into different parts, sharing of something among different people, places, etc. The table shows a schedule of Jorge’s payment plan for a car. Jorge’s payment plan year balance monthly payment end of year balance.The price of the car is $15,469.80The monthly payment will be $257.83Then the number of the years taken by the Jorge to pay off the loan will be [tex]\rm \rightarrow \dfrac{15469.8}{257.83} \\\\\rightarrow 60 \ months \\\\\rightarrow 5 \ years[/tex]More about the division link is given below.
algebra 6 months ago 1581