− 2 3 ​ + 20 24 ​ −1.75=minus, start fraction, 3, divided by, 2, end fraction, plus, start fraction, 24, divided by, 20, end fraction, minus, 1, point, 75, equals

Answer:-2.05 or [tex]-2\frac{1}{20}[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:Given:The expression to simplify is given as:[tex]-\frac{3}{2}+\frac{24}{20}-1.75[/tex]Here, the terms are given in fractions as well as a decimal.So, in order to simplify them, we convert all the terms in same form. As there are 2 fraction terms, we convert 1.75 to fraction form.[tex]1.75=\frac{175}{100}=\frac{7}{4}(As\ 175/25=7\ and\ 100/25=4)[/tex]Now, let us write each fraction in to its simplest form. The fraction [tex]\frac{3}{2}[/tex] is in the simplest form only. The second fraction in its simplest form is:[tex]\frac{24}{20}=\frac{6}{5}(\textrm{HCF of 24 and 20 is 4.So, we divide both by 4)}[/tex]Now, the expression to simplify is:[tex]=-\frac{3}{2}+\frac{6}{5}-\frac{7}{4}\\\\\textrm{(GCD of 2,5,4 is 20.So, we make denominator 20 and multiply the numerators accordingly)}\\\\=\frac{-3(10)+6(4)-7(5)}{20}\\\\=\frac{-30+24-35}{20}\\\\=\frac{-41}{20}=-2\frac{1}{20}=-2-\frac{1}{20}=-2-0.05=-2.05[/tex]Therefore, [tex]-\frac{3}{2}+\frac{24}{20}-1.75=-2.05\ or\ -2\frac{1}{20}[/tex]
general 5 months ago 1469