2. Seiji and Gavin both worked hard over the summer. Together they earned a total of $425. Gavin earned $25 more than Seiji. (a) Write a system of equations for the situation. Use s for the amount Seiji earned and g for the amount Gavin earned. (b) Graph the equations in the system. (c) Use your graph to estimate how much each person earned.

let Gavin be G
Let Seiji be S

G + S = 425
G = 25 + S

I can't really graph, but plug in some numbers to G and S that works in BOTH equations. Then graph it.

G + S = 425
G = 25 + S

(25 + S) + S = 425
2S + 25 = 425
2S + 25 (-25) = 425 (-25)
2S = 400
2S/2 = 400/2
S = 200

Seiji made 200 dollars

Now choose one of the equations to use (the easier the better) in this case i will choose this one:

G = 25 + S

pug in 200 into S (because that is how much Seiji made)

G = 25 + (200)
G = 225

Seiji made 200, Gavin made 225

200 + 225 = 425, which is the total amount the made

hope this helps
general 6 months ago 8710